10K A Day

Do you find yourself obsessing over your step count each day? Do you constantly aim to close your rings or feel the celebration vibration on your wrist from your fitness tracker? If so, you are not alone.

But do you really know why you've been conditioned to feel this way?

10,000 steps a day is a TRENDY goal!

The 10,000 steps a day premise started back in Japan in the 1960s and exploded as studies confirmed that people who take 10,000 steps have lower blood pressure, more stable glucose levels and better moods. In Canada, a goal of 10K a day can help contribute to the recommended weekly accumulation of 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous activity.

What this model doesn't take into account:

  • STEP QUALITY: 10,000 slow, meandering steps 10,000 quick ones, from activities like HIIT or running

  • THE HEART PUMP: you may be getting 10,000 steps every day, but if you’re never breaking a sweat, you’re almost entirely missing out on the benefits of heart-pumping activity

  • NON-STEP MOVEMENT: this model fails to account for movement like yoga, weight lifting, cycling or swimming

If you are pretty stuck on the 10K rule or find that it is helpful in your lifestyle, try implementing these strategies:

  1. Aim to get 1,000 steps before you sit down to start your work day.

  2. Spread your steps out throughout the day! Set an alarm or make a conscious effort to get up and move every hour or so.

  3. Don't be too hard on yourself if you need a break or a rest day and don't hit 10,000 or close your rings.

  4. Find ways to move more in everyday life - take the stairs instead of the elevator, park further away from the entrance when going anywhere, get off the bus or subway one stop earlier than your destination.

  5. Break up your chores, try making more than one trip to bring the dinner dishes to the kitchen or when bringing in groceries from your car or going upstairs with clean laundry.

  6. Do your errands on foot. Schedule in the extra time needed to get to-and-fro on foot and you’ll quickly get up to 10K in no time.

In the end, the goal is to lead a LESS SEDENTARY life.

More steps = less sitting

Just remember, not all steps are created equal, so don't be discouraged if you're not clocking 10,000 steps each day. Resist the urge to latch onto the big, round, trendy number and instead aim to lead an active life filled with a variety of activities.

Melanie Di CarloComment